Here are some links to Symphogear stuff elsewhere on the internet.
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Watch Symphogear On Crunchyroll Dot Com
Watch Symphogear On Crunchyroll Dot Com
Watch Symphogear On Crunchyroll Dot Com: Watch Symphogear On Crunchyroll Dot Com
Watch Symphogear On Blu Ray Disc
Watch Symphogear On Blu Ray Disc
Rightstuf search for Symphogear: Watch Symphogear On Blu Ray Disc
Symphogear Fan Community
Fan-run info repositories, translation hubs, and communities
Symphogear Wiki: Fan wiki full of character and episode data, songs/lyrics, XDU updates, etc.
Genjuuro’s Angels: Awesome Symphogear blog with translations of keywords and interviews and other cool stuff
/r/Symphogear: The Symphogear subreddit, featuring discussion and meme-ery
@YameteTomete: A Symphogear fan translation group - they translate the things that aren’t officially translated, including XDU comics and the Blu-Ray specials
Symphogear Official Sites
Official pages run by the production committee and licensors
Symphogear On List Tracker Sites
Keep track of how much Symphogear you’ve watched
BokuSatchii’s Sites
Get in touch with the administrator of this site